Lately I have been keeping a list of areas in which my dogs are more skillful than I am. Please feel free to add to this list in the comments section.
Running Smelling Sniffing Barking Sleeping curled up in a chair Cleaning up crumbs Thundering down the stairs Letting the cat bite them Eating grass Peeing on things outside Looking comfortable sprawled on the floor Being ready and excited to go somewhere in the car Showing enthusiasm for a new toy Showing enthusiasm for an old toy Rolling on gross things Looking out the window Flopping on the couch Meeting new people Pricking ears Belly flops in the pool Whining Fetching Pooping in the middle of the road
Pooping in the middle of the floor Body Rubbins
That's a great list. My dog's better at: looking cute for pictures, and finding things to eat on the sidewalk. And it's always bugged me that's she's the faster runner, considering how short her Beagle legs are.